Feline calicivir

Feline calicivirus: a common respiratory infection that affects cats


Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a common respiratory infection of cats. It is also known as the “cat cold” and can cause a variety of symptoms, from mild to severe.


 Although there is no specific treatment for FCV, supportive care and prevention can help keep your cat healthy.



Common FCV symptoms include:


· Runny nose: It may be runny or purulent.


· Sneezing: often frequent and annoying.


· Conjunctivitis: redness and swelling of the eyes.


· Stomatitis: ulcers and ulcers in the mouth.


· Loss of appetite: The cat may refuse food due to mouth pain.


· Fever: The cat may feel hot to the touch.


· Lethargy: The cat may lack energy and seem uninterested in its usual activity.


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FCV is easily spread through direct contact with an infected cat. It can also be spread through contaminated fluids, such as the saliva or urine of an infected cat. The virus can live on surfaces for several hours, so it is important to clean anything that an infected cat may have touched.



FCV can be diagnosed based on the symptoms and medical history of the cat. Your vet may also perform diagnostic tests, such as a blood test or nasal swab.



There is no specific treatment for FCV, but supportive care can help your cat recover. Supportive care may include:


· Fluids: to help prevent dehydration.


· Anti-inflammatory medications: to reduce inflammation and pain.


· Antibiotics: if there is a secondary bacterial infection.


· Oral care: to clean mouth ulcers and relieve pain.



The best way to prevent FCV is to vaccinate your cat. Annual vaccination is recommended for all cats. In addition, you can help reduce your risk of FCV infection by:


· Wash your hands well: especially after contact with another cat.


· Maintaining a clean environment: Regularly clean and sterilize food and water bowls and litter boxes.


· Avoid contact with sick cats: If your cat is sick, keep her away from other cats until she recovers.


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FCV is a common respiratory infection that affects cats. Although there is no specific treatment, supportive care, and prevention can help keep your cat healthy. If you think your cat may have FCV, it is important to take him to the vet as soon as possible.

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