How to deal with pet pigeons

How to Handle Pet Pigeons: A Comprehensive Guide to Proper Care


Pigeons are beautiful and easy-to-raise pets, but they require special care to maintain their health and happiness.

In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide on how to deal with pet pigeons, including:


Providing a suitable cage:


· Choose a cage that is spacious enough for the pigeons to fly and roam.


· The cage should be made of durable and easy-to-clean materials.


· Make sure the cage is well-ventilated.


· Provide the cage with figures and suitable bedding.


· Place a feeder and water drinker in the cage.


· Clean the cage regularly to prevent the spread of diseases.


Providing a suitable environment:


· It is preferable to place the pigeon cage in a quiet and sunny place.


· Keep the room temperature moderate.


· Avoid exposing the bathroom to direct air currents.


· Ventilate the room regularly.


· Provide pigeons with regular sunbathing.


 The food:


Essential components of a healthy diet:


· Grains: Grains are the main source of food for pigeons, and include wheat, corn, barley, and rice.


· Seeds: Seeds provide birds with essential nutrients such as protein, fats, and vitamins, and include flax seeds, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds.


· Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and include carrots, lettuce, apples, and bananas.


· Nutritional supplements: Some types of pigeons may need additional nutritional supplements, such as calcium or vitamin D, according to the recommendations of the veterinarian.


Daily food amount:


· The daily amount of food that pigeons need varies depending on their age, size, and activity.


· In general, it is recommended to provide about 1/4 cup of grains, 1 tablespoon of seeds, and a small piece of fruit or vegetable per bird per day.


· It is important to monitor the bird's weight to ensure that it does not lose weight or gain excessive weight.


Feeding schedule:


· It is preferable to provide food to birds twice a day, in the morning and evening.


· Make sure to provide clean, fresh water to the birds at all times.


· Change food and water regularly to prevent bacterial growth.


 Important tips for feeding pet pigeons:


· Choose high-quality grains and seeds from reliable sources.


· Wash fruits and vegetables well before offering them to birds.


· Avoid feeding birds foods that contain a lot of salt, sugar, or fat.


· Do not provide birds with alcohol or caffeine.


· Consult your veterinarian if you have any questions about your bird's nutrition.


Examples of ready-made cereal mixtures for the bath:


· Commercial grain mixtures intended for pigeons: These are available in pet stores and contain a mixture of grains, seeds, vitamins, and minerals.


· Homemade grain mixtures: You can prepare your own grain mixture using fresh grains and seeds, making sure to add all the nutrients that pigeons need.


Interaction with pigeons:


· Make time to interact with your pet pigeons regularly.


· Talk to your bird and interact with him through play.


· Train your bird with some simple tricks.


· Provide the bathroom with appropriate toys.


· Get​​your bird used to your presence and interaction with it.


Health Care:


· Consult your veterinarian regularly to check your bird and ensure its health.


· Vaccinate your bird against common diseases.


· Monitor your bird's behavior to ensure there are no signs of illness.


· Provide the bird with a healthy and balanced diet.


· Keep the cage, feeders, and water drinkers clean.


Pigeon training:


· Pigeons can be trained to do some simple tricks, such as sitting on your hand or walking on a rope.


· Use positive rewards, such as food or toys, to encourage your bird to learn.


· Be patient and persistent when training your bird.


· Do not be harsh on your bird or punish it.




· Make sure the pigeon's cage is securely closed to prevent escape.


· Be careful not to have any toxic or dangerous materials within your bird’s reach.


· Do not leave young birds unsupervised with children or other pets.


Important Notes:


· The care needs of pigeons may vary depending on their type, age, and health condition.


· It is important to consult your veterinarian regularly for proper care advice for your bird.


· Be sure to monitor your bird's behavior to make sure it is happy and healthy.


· With proper care, pet pigeons can live for many years.


Do you have other questions about how to handle pet pigeons?


Here are some additional tips on how to handle pet pigeons:




· Pet pigeons can reproduce easily in captivity.


· If you want to raise pigeons, it is important to learn about their breeding needs.


· Make sure to provide enough space for birds to lay their eggs and raise their young.


· Provide birds with a diet rich in calcium and protein to support reproduction.


· Monitor baby pigeons to ensure they are healthy and growing properly.




· It is important to clean the pigeons' cages, water drinkers, and feeders regularly to prevent the spread of diseases.


· Use a non-toxic cleaner that is safe for birds.


· Wash your hands well after cleaning the cage.


· Change the bedding in the cage regularly.




· If you need to take your pet pigeons with you on a trip, it is important to take some precautionary steps.


· Consult your veterinarian to ensure your bird is healthy for travel.


· Choose a carrier appropriate for the size and weight of your bird.


· Provide the bird with adequate food and water during the flight.


· Keep the bird carrier in a warm, quiet place.


Close of:


Pet pigeons are a great source of companionship and entertainment. With proper care, a pet pigeon can live for many years and provide you with many happy moments.


If you have any further questions about how to handle pet pigeons/, or other types of pets, please feel free to ask. I will do my best to answer it.

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