Types of pet fish

Guide to Types of Pet Fish

Colorful, soothing, and easy to look after — pet fish are one of our most popular companions. For someone who is considering purchasing live pet fish, whether it be from beginners setting up their first aquarium to experts seeking something new to fit into a pre-existing collection they need some kind of knowledge on the subject of what kinds are out there.

In this ultimate guide, we delve deep into different types of pet fish — right from how to take care of them and if they are compatible with each other — to build an aquarium that is a haven.

Introduction to Pet Fish

For a hobby, fishkeeping can be quite rewarding as it is like aquarium gardening where you are the curator of your own little world. Pet Fish: Types of Pet Fish There is a wide range of * types and species that can be chosen for pet fish. Broadly, the fish can be categorized into two types according to their natural dwelling: Freshwater and Saltwater. More than 1,000 species in over a dozen different categories provide numerous options.


Freshwater Aquarium Fish

The freshwater fish are more comparable and simpler to care for than the saltwater ones, making them great for beginners. These freshwater fish live in rivers, lakes, and streams and can persevere through less-than-tolerable water conditions. Some of the common types of these freshwater fish include:

1. Betta Fish (Betta splendens)


Betta fish, also referred to as Siamese fighting fish, are among the most tasteful pet fish available. The fish come in various colors and have spectacularly delightful swirling fins. They are tough and can endure life in small tanks. Some of their physical characteristics are as follows:

Physical Traits

Size: 2.5 and 3 inches long

Colors: They are bred in diverse color varieties. Some of these colors include blue color, green, purple, multicolored, and the most vibrant red

Life span: 3-5 years.


Temperament: They are aggressive fish, and males are known to be extremely aggressive. Therefore, it would help if they were housed alone or with other fish of their species

Activity: They are only moderately busy, and they discover different areas of their environment.

Care requirements

Tank size: 5 gallons

Water Condition: Warm water and a pH between 6.5 and 7.5

Diet: betta pellets and live or frozen food such as brine shrimp or blood worms. 2. GoldFish (Carassius auratus)


3. Guppies (Poecilia)

About: Guppies are small, colorful livebearer fish easy to care for beginners. Livebearers give birth to live fry as opposed to laying eggs.

Physical characteristics

- Size: 1.5-2.5 inches

- Colors: Guppies come in a variety of bright colors and patterns

- Lifespan: 2-3 years.


- Temperament: calm, thrives in groups, and can also be kept in a community tank.

- Activity level: Love swimming, and enjoy being in groups.

Care details

- Tank size: At least 10 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water at 72-82°F; Ph should be 7.0-8.2

- Feeding: Flakes, micro-pellets, and live or frozen foods a few times a week.

4. Teras

About: tetras are small schooling fish that come in various species. All species of tetras have different colors and patterns hence ideal for a community tank.

Physical characteristics

- Size: 1.5-2 inches

- Colors: Ranges with the specimen, such as the neon, cardinal, and black skirt tetras

- Life span: 5-10 years


- Temperament: Calm, however, should be kept in schools of six or more.

- Activity level: are lovers of open water and a school them gives the tank an exciting view.

Care details

- Tank size: minimum of 10 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water; 72-82°F; pH 6.0-7.5

- Feeding: Flakes, micro-pellets, and live or frozen foods.

5. Angelfish (Pterophyllum)



Angelfish are known for their graceful appearance and long, flowing fins. They are relatively easy to care for but require a larger tank due to their size.


Physical Traits

- Size: 6 to 8 inches in height

- Colors: Various, including silver, black, and marble patterns

- Lifespan: 10 to 12 years



- Temperament: Semi-aggressive; can be territorial, especially during breeding

- Activity Level: Moderate; enjoy vertical swimming spaces


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), pH 6.5-7.5

- Diet: Flake food, pellets, and occasional live or frozen food


6. Cichlids



Cichlids are a diverse group of freshwater fish known for their vibrant colors and complex behaviors. They range from peaceful species suitable for community tanks to highly territorial species.


Physical Traits

- Size: 3 to 12 inches, depending on the species

- Colors: Wide range, often bright and vivid

- Lifespan: 5 to 10 years



- Temperament: Varies from peaceful to aggressive; many species are territorial

- Activity Level: Active and interactive; often exhibit complex behaviors


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons, larger for bigger species

- Water Conditions: Varies, but generally warm water (72-82°F), pH 6.5-8.0

- Diet: Species-specific diets, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen food


7. Corydoras Catfish



Corydoras catfish are small, peaceful bottom-dwellers that help keep the tank clean by eating leftover food. They are social fish that thrive in groups.


Physical Traits

- Size: 2 to 3 inches

- Colors: Varied, including bronze, albino, and pepper

- Lifespan: 5 to 7 years



- Temperament: Peaceful; best kept in groups of six or more

- Activity Level: Active, especially during feeding time; prefer to stay near the bottom of the tank


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (72-78°F), pH 6.5-7.5

- Diet: Sinking pellets, flake food, and occasional live or frozen food


8. Gouramis



Gouramis are attractive, hardy fish that come in various species, each with unique colors and patterns. They are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe air directly from the surface.


Physical Traits

- Size: 2 to 6 inches, depending on the species

- Colors: Varied, including blue, red, and gold

- Lifespan: 4 to 6 years



- Temperament: Generally peaceful, though males can be territorial

- Activity Level: Moderate; enjoy having plants and hiding spots


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (74-82°F), pH 6.0-8.0

- Diet: Flake food, pellets, and occasional live or frozen food


Saltwater Fish


Saltwater fish are often more colorful and diverse than freshwater species but require more precise water conditions and maintenance. They are generally more suited to experienced aquarists.


1. Clownfish (Amphiprioninae)



Clownfish are among the most recognizable saltwater fish, thanks to their bright colors and association with sea anemones. They are relatively easy to care for and can adapt to a range of tank conditions.


Physical Traits

- Size: 3 to 4 inches

- Colors: Bright orange with white stripes, though other color variants exist

- Lifespan: 6 to 10 years



- Temperament: Peaceful, though can be territorial, especially in pairs

- Activity Level: Active; enjoy swimming around their host anemone or similar structures


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), specific gravity 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

- Diet: Flake food, pellets, and occasional live or frozen food


2. Tangs (Surgeonfish)



Tangs are known for their vibrant colors and distinctive body shapes. They are active swimmers that require ample space and a well-maintained environment.


Physical Traits

- Size: 6 to 12 inches

- Colors: Bright blue, yellow, and various other colors

- Lifespan: 8 to 10 years



- Temperament: Generally peaceful, but can be territorial, especially with other tangs

- Activity Level: Very active; need plenty of swimming space


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 75 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), specific gravity 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

- Diet: Primarily herbivorous; requires algae-based foods and supplements


3. Marine Angelfish



Marine angelfish are larger and more colorful than their freshwater counterparts, with intricate patterns and vivid colors. They are more challenging to care for and require a well-established aquarium.


Physical Traits

- Size: 4 to 15 inches, depending on the species

- Colors: Bright and varied, often with striking patterns

- Lifespan: 10 to 15 years



- Temperament: Varies by species; some are peaceful while others can be aggressive

- Activity Level: Active; need plenty of swimming space and hiding spots


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 50 gallons, larger for bigger species

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), specific gravity 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

- Diet: Omnivorous; requires a varied diet of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen food


4. Gobies



Gobies are small, bottom-dwelling fish known for their interesting behaviors and symbiotic relationships with other marine organisms, such as pistol shrimp.


Physical Traits

- Size: 1 to 4 inches

- Colors: Varied, often with bright colors and patterns

- Lifespan: 2 to 5 years



- Temperament: Peaceful; often form symbiotic relationships with shrimp

- Activity Level: Moderate; prefer to stay close to the substrate


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 10 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), specific gravity 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

- Diet: Omnivorous; small pellets, flakes, and live or frozen food


5. Wrasses



Wrasses are a large and diverse group of colorful and active fish that add vibrancy to any marine aquarium. They are known for their bright colors and active behaviors.


Physical Traits

- Size: 3 to 12 inches, depending on the species

- Colors: Bright and varied, often with intricate patterns

- Lifespan: 5 to 7 years



- Temperament: Generally peaceful but can be territorial, especially with similar species

- Activity Level: Very active; enjoy swimming and burrowing in the substrate


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 30 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), specific gravity 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

- **Diet:** Omnivorous; requires a varied diet of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen food


6. Dottybacks



Dottybacks are small, colorful fish known for their bold personalities and vibrant hues. They are often aggressive and territorial, making them a challenging choice for community tanks.


Physical Traits

- Size: 2 to 4 inches

- Colors: Bright purple, yellow, blue, and other vivid colors

- Lifespan: 5 to 7 years



- Temperament: Aggressive and territorial, especially towards similar-sized fish

- Activity Level: Active; enjoy hiding in crevices and rocks


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), specific gravity 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

- Diet: Omnivorous; with a varied diet of flakes, pellets, and live or frozen food


7. Butterflyfish



Butterflyfish are known for their striking patterns and elegant appearance. They require a well-maintained environment and are more suitable for experienced aquarists.


Physical Traits

- Size: 4 to 8 inches

- Colors: Bright colors with intricate patterns

- Lifespan: 5 to 10 years



- Temperament: Peaceful, though can be shy; best kept with other non-aggressive species

- Activity Level: Moderate; need plenty of space and hiding spots


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 50 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), specific gravity 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

- Diet: Omnivorous; requires a varied diet, including live or frozen food


8. Damselfish



Damselfish are small, hardy, and often brightly colored. They are known for their bold behavior and territorial nature.


Physical Traits

- Size: 2 to 3 inches

- Colors: Vivid blues, yellows, and other bright colors

- Lifespan: 5 to 6 years



- Temperament: Aggressive and territorial, especially in smaller tanks

- Activity Level: Very active; enjoy exploring and defending their territory


Care Requirements

- Tank Size: Minimum 20 gallons

- Water Conditions: Warm water (75-82°F), specific gravity 1.020-1.025, pH 8.1-8.4

- Diet: Omnivorous; flake food, pellets, and live or frozen food


Special Considerations for Aquariums


1. Community Tanks


Creating a successful community tank involves selecting species that can coexist peacefully. Factors such as compatibility, size, and water conditions must be carefully considered. For example:

- Freshwater: Guppies, tetras, corydoras, and dwarf gouramis.

- Saltwater: Clownfish, gobies, firefish, and peaceful wrasses.


2. Species-Specific Tanks


Some fish thrive best in species-specific tanks due to their unique needs or aggressive nature. Examples include:

- Betta Fish: Single betta in a well-planted tank.

- Cichlids: African or South American cichlids with appropriate tank mates and hiding spots.


3. Biotope Aquariums


Biotope aquariums replicate the natural habitat of fish, providing a more authentic environment. Examples include:

- Amazon Biotope: Featuring species like angelfish, tetras, and catfish with soft, acidic water and dense vegetation.

- Coral Reef Biotope: Housing reef fish, corals, and invertebrates in a well-maintained saltwater tank.




The world of pet fish offers endless possibilities, from colorful freshwater species to vibrant saltwater fish. Understanding the specific needs of each type of fish is crucial for maintaining a healthy and balanced aquarium. Whether you're interested in creating a peaceful community tank, a species-specific setup, or a biotope aquarium, proper research and care will ensure that your fish thrive.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the most popular types of pet fish, along with their care requirements and compatibility considerations. With careful planning and attention to detail, fishkeeping can be a highly rewarding hobby that brings beauty, tranquility, and a deeper connection to the natural world into your home.

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